Roger Bilham: Publications on Indian Tectonics 1984- 2012


1. Bilham, R. and D. Simpson, Indo-Asian convergence and the 1913 survey line connecting the Indian and Russian surveys, International Karakorum Project 1980, 1, Camb. Univ. Press., 160-170, 1984.

2. Chen, J., T. Crompton, J. Walton and R. Bilham, The survey work of the International Karakorum Project, 1980. International Karakorum Project 1980, 2, Camb. Univ. Press., 124-139, 1984.

3. Bilham, R., G.C. Jacoby and G. Pant, A preliminary study of ancient trees in the Hunza Valley, Pakistan, and their dendrochronologic potential, International Karakorum Project, 1980, 2, Camb. Univ. Press, 599-606, 1984.

4. Bilham, R., Mountain metrology and space geodesy,  Appalachia, 47, 187, 79-107, Dec 1988.

5. Jackson, M., S. Barrientos, R. Bilham, D. Kyestha, and B. Shrestha, Localized deformation in the Nepal Himalaya revealed by spirit leveling, Geophys. Res. Lett., 19, 1539-1542, 1992.

6. Jackson, M., and R. Bilham, Constraints on Himalayan Deformation inferred from Vertical Velocity Fields in Nepal and Tibet,  J. Geophys. Res., 99(B7), 13897-13912,  1994

7. Bilham, The 1737 Calcutta Earthquake and Cyclone Evaluated, Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 84(5), 1650-1657, 1994.

8. Jackson, M. and R. Bilham, Epoch GPS measurements across the Nepal Himalaya, Geophysical Research Letters, 21(12), 1169-1172, 1994.

9. Bilham, R., The Next Great Earthquake in the Nepal Himalaya, Himal Magazine, 7(3), 26-30, 1994

10. Bilham, R., P. Bodin, M. Jackson, Entertaining a Great Earthquake in Western Nepal:Historic Activity and Geodetic Tests for the Development of Strain, J. Geol.Soc. Nepal, 11, 73-88, 1995.

11. Bilham, R., Location and magnitude of the 1833 Nepal earthquake and its relation to the rupture zones of contiguous great Himalayan earthquakes, Current Science, 69(2), 155-187, 1995.

12. Paul, J.,  R. Bilham, & 9 authors, Microstrain Stability of Peninsula India 1864-1994,  Proc. Indian Acad.Sci.(Earth Planet. Sci.) 104(1), March 1995.

13. Freymueller, R. Bilham R. Bürgmann and K. Larson, Global Positioning System measurements of Indian Plate motion and convergence across the Lesser Himalaya,Geophys. Res. Lett . 23 (22), 3107-3110.  1996

14. Bilham, R.,  K. Larson, J. Freymueller and Project Idylhim members, GPS measurements of present-day convergence across the Nepal Himalaya, Nature(Lond)., 386, 61-64 1997.

15. Bilham, R., The elusive height of Mount Everest. in Everest, 26-27, National Geographic Society, 1997.

16. Bilham. R.,  F. Blume, R. Bendick and V. K. Gaur. Geodetic constraints on the Translation and Deformation of India: implications for future great Himalayan earthquakes, Current Science, 74,(3), 213-229, 10 Feb. 1998

17. Bilham, R., Slip parameters for the Rann of Kachchh, India, 16 June 1819, earthquake, quantified from contemporary accounts.   In Stewart, I. S. & Vita-Finzi, C. (Eds) Coastal Tectonics.   Geological Society London,  146, 295-318, 1999 

18. Bendick, R. and R. Bilham (1999)  Search for buckling of the southwest Indian coast related to Himalayan collision. In Himalaya and Tibet: mountain roots to mountain tops.  Ed. A. Macfarlane, R. Sorkhabi, and J. Quade.  Geological Society of America  Special Paper 328.  pp.313-323.

19. Larson, K., R. Bürgmann, R. Bilham, J. Freymueller,  Kinematics of the India-Eurasia Collision Zone from GPS measurements.    J. Geophys. Res. 104, 1177-1093,  1999.

20. Bürgmann, R.,  Larson, K. and R. Bilham,  Model inversion of GPS and leveling measurements across the Himalaya:  Implications for Earthquake Hazards and future geodetic networks, Himalayan Geology, 20, 59-72, 1999.

21. Bilham, R., The changing height of Everest,  in To the vertical end of the Earth, S. Wong, 177-181, Landmark, Singapore. 1999.

22. Bendick, R,   R. Bilham, J. Freymueller K. Larson, G. Peltzer  & Guanghua Yin, Geodetic Evidence for a low slip rate in the Altyn Tagh Fault and Constraints on Asian Deformation.,  Nature, 404, 69-72, 2000.

23. Ambraseys, N., and R. Bilham, A note on the Kangra Ms=7.8 earthquake of 4 April 1905. Current Science, 79, 101-106, 2000.

24. Bilham, R., and V. K Gaur, Geodetic contributions to the study of seismotectonics in India, Current Science 79(9), 1259-1269,  2000.

25. Searle, M. P., B. R. Hacker, and R. Bilham, The Hindu Kush seismic zone as a paradigm for the creation of ultra-high pressure diamond and coesite-bearing continental rocks, Journal of Geology, 109, 143-153, 2000.

26. Paul, J., Burgmann, R. Gaur, V. K. Bilham, R.  Larson, K. M. Ananda, M. B. Jade, S.  Mukal, M. Anupama, T. S. Satyal, G., Kumar, D. 2001 The motion and active deformation of India. Geophys. Res. Lett.  28 (4) , 647-651, 2001.

27. Bilham, R., Slow tilt reversal of the Lesser Himalaya between 1862 and 1992 at 78°E, and bounds to the southeast rupture of the 1905 Kangra earthquake, Geophys. J. Int (2001) 144, 1-23.

28. Bilham, R. and P. England, Plateau pop-up during the great 1897 Assam earthquake.  Nature, 410, 806 - 809 (2001)

29. Bendick, R.,  R. Bilham,  E. Fielding, V. K. Gaur, S. Hough, G. Kier, M. N. Kulkarni, S. Martin,  K. Mueller and M. Mukul, The January 26, 2001 "Republic Day" Earthquake, India.  Seism. Res. Lett.,  72(3), 328-335,  2001.

30. Bilham, R., V. K. Gaur and P. Molnar, Himalayan Seismic Hazard, Science, 293, 1442-4, 2001.

31. Bendick, R., and R. Bilham, How perfect is the Himalayan Arc?  Geology, 29,791-794, 2001.

32. Wang, Qi,  Pei-Zhen Zhang,  J. T. Freymueller, R. Bilham, K. M. Larson, Xi’an Lai, X. You, Z. Niu, J. Wu, Y. Li, J. Liu, Z. Yang,  Q. Chen,  Present Day Crustal Deformation in China constrained by Global Positioning Measurements, Science, 294, 574-577, 2001.

33. Hough, S. E., S. Martin, R. Bilham and G. Atkinson, The January 26 2001, Bhuj India earthquake: Observed and predicted Ground Motions, Seism. Soc. Am. 92(6), 2061-2079,  2002.

34. Ortiz, M., and R. Bilham, source area and rupture parameters of the 31 Dec. 1881 Mw 7.9 Car Nicobar earthquake estimated from Tsunamis recorded in the Bay of Bengal,  J. Geophys. Res.,  108 (B4)  23 April 2003   [2002JB001941RR 2003. ]

35. Ambraseys, N., and R. Bilham,  Earthquakes and crustal deformation in northern Baluchistan, Bull. Seism Soc. Am. 93(4), 1573-160,  2003

36. Hough, S and R. Bilham, (2003) Shaken to the Core, Natural History Magazine, 112(1),42-48.

37. Ambraseys, N., and R. Bilham,  MSK Isoseismal intensities evaluated for the 1897 Great Assam Earthquake, Bull. Seism Soc. Am. 93(2) 655-673,  2003

38. Ambraseys, N., and R. Bilham (2003), Earthquakes in Afghanistan, Seism. Res. Lett.,   74(2), 107-123.

39. Bilham, R., R. Bendick, and K. Wallace, (2003). Flexure of the Indian Plate and intraplate earthquakes, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Earth Planet Sci.),112(3) 1-14

40. Sri Devi Jade and 12 other authors, Pre-seismic, co-seismic and post seismic displacements associated with the Bhuj earthquake derived from recent and historic geodetic data. J. Ind Inst of Sci. 112(3), 331-346, 2003.

41. Hough, S.E., S. Martin, R. Bilham and Gail M Atkinson (2003). A media based assessment of damage and ground motions from the 26 January  2001 M7.6 Bhuj, India, earthquake. J. Ind Inst of Sci., 112(3), 353-356.

42. Bilham, R, (2003) Moving Mountains, In Everest 1953-2003. Geographical Magazine, 75(5), 68-69.

42. Dunbar, P. K., R. G. Bilham and M. J. Laituri,  (2003) Earthquake loss estimation for India based on macroeconomic indicators, in Risk Science and Sustainability: Science for Reduction of Risk and Sustainable Development of Society, edited by T. Beer and A. Ismail-Zadeh.

44. Bilham, R.  and S. K. Srivastava  (2003). Preface to the special issue on The Bhuj Earthquake, Gujarat, India, 2001, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Earth Planet Sci.), 112(3) 313-314

45. Bilham, R., Earthquakes in India and the Himalaya: tectonics, geodesy and history, (2004)Annals of Geophysics, 47(2), 839-858.

46. Bilham R and K Wallace, (2005), Future Mw>8 earthquakes in the Himalaya: implications from the 26 Dec 2004 Mw=9.0 earthquake on India's eastern plate margin, Geol. Surv. India Spl. Pub. 85, 1-14.

47. Hough, S. E. R. Bilham, N. Ambraseys and N. Feldl, (2005)., The 1905 Kangra and Dehra Dun earthquakes, Geol. Surv. India Spl. Pub. 85, 15-22.

48. Bilham, R., E. R. Engdahl,  N. Feldl and S. P. Satyabala. 2005 Partial and Complete Rupture of the Indo-Andaman plate boundary 1847-2004, Seism Res. Lett, 76(3), 299-311. June 2005.

49. Bilham, R. (2005)A flying start followed by slow slip. Science, 308(5725),1126.

50. Bilham, R., and N. Ambraseys, Apparent Himalayan slip deficit from the summation of seismic moments for Himalayan earthquakes, 1500-2000, Current Science, 88(10), 1658-1663, 2005.

51. Hough S. E., R. Bilham, N. Ambraseys, and N. Feldl, Revisiting the 1897 Shillong and 1905 Kangra earthquakes in northern India:  Site Response, Moho reflections and a Triggered Earthquake, Current Science, 88(10), 1632-8, 2005.

52. Schulte-Pelkum, V., A. Sheehan, F. Wu, R. Bilham, Imaging the Indian Subcontinent beneath the Himalaya, Nature, 435, 1222-1225, 30 June 2005

53. Wallace, K.; Bilham, R.; Blume, F.; Gaur, V. K.; Gahalaut, V.,(2005) Surface deformation in the region of the 1905 Kangra Mw = 7.8 earthquake in the period 1846–2001, Geophys. Res. Lett.,  Vol. 32,  No. 15,  L15307, 10.1029/2005GL022906

54. Bilham, R. (2006). Dangerous Tectonics, Fragile Buildings, and Tough Decisions, Science 31 March 2006:
(311)5769, 1873 - 1875
DOI: 10.1126/science.1125176

55. Bilham, R. (2006), Comment on “Interpreting the style of faulting and paleoseismicity associated with the 1897 Shillong, northeast India, earthquake” by C. P. Rajendran et al., Tectonics, 25, TC2001, doi:10.1029/2005TC001893.

56. Bilham R., and S. Hough, 2006, Future earthquakes on the Indian Continent: Inevitable hazard, preventable risk. South Asia Magazine, 12, 1-9, April-June 2006

57. Wallace, K., R. Bilham, F. Blume, V. K. Gaur, and V. Gahalaut (2006), Geodetic constraints on the Bhuj 2001 earthquake and surface deformation in the Kachchh Rift Basin, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L10301, doi:10.1029/2006GL025775

58. Bilham, R., (2006) Moving Mountains, 132-137,  in Himalaya,  R.C. Blum, E. Stone and B. Coburn, ed.,  pp 255. National Geographic Society. ISBN-10: 0-7922-6192-5.  

59. Feldl, N and R. Bilham, Great Himalayan Earthquakes and the Tibetan Plateau,  Nature 444, 165-170 (9 November 2006) | doi:10.1038/nature05199;

60. Satyabala, S. P., and R. Bilham (2006), Surface deformation and subsurface slip of the 28 March 1999 Mw = 6.4 west Himalayan Chamoli earthquake from InSAR analysis, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L23305, doi:10.1029/2006GL027422

61. Bendick, R.,  R. Bilham, M. Asif Khan, S. Faisal Khan, (2006), Slip on an active wedge thrust from geodetic observations of the 8 October 2005 Kashmir earthquake, Geology, 35(3), 267-270

62. Bilham, R. S. Lodi, S. Hough, S. Bukhary, Abid Murtaza Khan, and S.F.A. Rafeeqi, (2007) Seismic Hazard in Karachi, Pakistan: Uncertain Past, Uncertain Future, Seism. Res. Lett.78(6), 601-631.

63. Paul, J.,  A. R. Lowry, R. Bilham, S. Sen, and R. Smalley Jr., (2007). Postseismic deformation of the Andaman Islands following the 26 December, 2004 Great Sumatra–Andaman earthquake, Geophys. Res. Lett.,  34, doi:10.1029/2007GL031024, 2007

64. Bilham, R., (2008)  Tom LaTouche and the Great Assam Earthquake of 12 June 1897; letters from the epicenter.  Seis. Res. Lett. 79(3), 426-437.

Electronic supplement: Transcriptions of LaTouche's letters 1882-1913 illustrated by archival photographs from Calcutta and London.2008.

65. Clark, M.K., & Bilham, R., (2008) Miocene rise of the Shillong Plateau and the beginning of the end for the Eastern Himalaya, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 269(3), 337-351.  doi: 10.1016/j. epsl.  2008.01.045

66. Bilham, R., and W. Szeliga, (2008). Interaction Between the Himalaya and the Flexed Indian Plate -  Spatial Fluctuations in Seismic Hazard in India in the Past Millennium? 2008 Seismic Enginering Conference Commemorating the 1908 Messina and Reggio Calabria earthquake, ed A. Santini and N. Moraci, American Inst. of Physics Conf. Proc., 224-231, 978-0-7354-4/08/ 1020(1), 224-231, (978-0-7354-0542-4/08).

67. Hough, S., and R. Bilham, (2008). Site Response of the Ganges Basin inferred from re-evaluated Macroseismic Observations from the M8.1 Shillong 1897, M7.8 Kangra 1905 and 1934 Nepal M8.1 earthquakes. Journal of  Earth System Science.  117, S2, 773-782

68. Szeliga, W., R. Bilham, D. Schelling, D. M. Kakar and S. Lodi, (2009) Fold and thrust partitioning in a contracting fold belt:  Evidence from the 1931 Mach Earthquake in Baluchistan. Tectonics doi:10.1029/2008TC002265

69. Hough, S. E., I Bhat and R. Bilham, (2009) On shakey ground- megaquakes in Kashmir, American Scientist, 97(1), 42-49.

70. Ambraseys N. and R. Bilham, (2009). The tectonic setting of Bamiyan and seismicity in and near Afghanistan for the past twelve centuries. UNESCO Special Publication: The Destruction of the Giant Buddha Statues in Bamyian, Central Afghanistan, UNESCO's emergency activities for the recovering and rehabilitation of cliff and niches. Ed. Carlo Crippa and Claudio Margottini. pages 67-93.

71. Bilham, R., The seismic future of cities,  Twelfth annual Mallet Milne Lecture. Bull. Earthquake Engineering, 2009, 7(4), 839-887. DOI 10.1007/s10518-009-9147-0

72. Bilham, R. (2009)  Next Year's Earthquake vs. Last Year's Disaster vis-à-vis Engineered Action vs. Societal Reaction, Journal of South Asia Disaster Studies, 2(1),  181-196.

73. Mohadjer, S., R. Bendick, A. Ischuk, S. Kuzikov, A. Kostuk, U. Saydullaev, S. Lodi, D. M. Kakar, A. Wasy, M. A. Khan,P. Molnar, R. Bilham and A. V. Zubovich, Partitioning of IndiaEurasia convergence in the PamirHindu Kush from GPS measurements, (2010). Geophs. Res. lett., 37, L04305, doi:10.1029/2009GL041737, 2010

74. Bilham, R., and S. Lodi, (2010).The door knockers of Mansurah,: Strong shaking in a region of low perceived seismic risk, Sindh, Pakistan.  GSA Special Paper 471 on Ancient earthquakes, (edited by Manuel Sintubin, Iain S. Stewart, Tina M. Niemi, and Erhan Altunel.

75. Bilham, R., B. Singh, I. Bhat and S. Hough, (2010). Historical earthquakes in Srinagar, Kashmir: Clues from the Shiva Temple at Pandrethan, GSA Special Paper 471 on Ancient earthquakes, (edited by Manuel Sintubin, Iain S. Stewart, Tina M. Niemi, and Erhan Altunel. ISBM 9780813724713

76. Khan, M. A. R. Bendick, I.M. Bhat, R. Bilham, D.M. Kakar. S. F. Khan, S. H. Lodi, M. S. Qazi, B. Singh, W. Szeliga amd A. Wahab, Preliminary geodetic constraints on plate boundary deformation on the western edge of the Indian Plate from TriGGNnet,  J. Himalayan Earth Sciences, 41 (2008), 71-87). Published 2010

77. Szeliga, W, S. Martin, S. Hough, and R. Bilham, (2010) Intensity, magnitude, location and attenuation in India for felt earthquakes since 1762. Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 100, 2, 570-584, 2010  [based on Martin. S., and W. Szeliga, A catalog of felt intensity data for 589 earthquakes in India, 1636-2009, Bull.Seism.Soc.Amer, 100, 2, pp. 536-569, 2010]

78. Bilham, R., and V. K. Gaur, Historical and Future Seismicity near Jaitapur, India, Current Science, Current Science, 101(10), 1275-1281.

79. Satyabala, S. P. , Zhaohui Yang and  Roger Bilham, Stick-slip advance of the Kohat plateau, Pakistan, Nature Geoscience, 5(147-150., DOI: 10.1038/NGEO1373

80. Ambraseys, N. and R. Bilham, The Sarez-Pamir Earthquake and Landslide of 18 February 1911 , Seismological Research Letters 83(2),  294-314, March/April 2012 doi: 10.1785/gssrl.83.2.294.

81. Bilham, R., Societal and Observational Problems in earthquake risk assessments and their delivery to those most at risk, Tectonophysics,  10.1016/j.tecto.2012.03.023  2012.

82. Roger Bilham and Eric Fielding, Remote sensing and the search for surface rupture, Haiti 2010, Natural Hazards, Special Issue :Remote Sensing contributing to mapping earthquake vulnerability and effects”.DOI: 10.1007/s11069-013-0550-0



web access to most of these publications can be found at




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Earthquake case studies : 1737 Calcutta, 1819 Kachchh.,  1833 Nepal, 1881 Andaman, 1897 Shillong, 1905 Kangra, 1931 Mach, 1935,  Quetta, 1934 Bihar Nepal, 1945 Makran, 2001 Bhuj , 2004 Andaman, 2005 Kashmir, 2011 Dalbandin.

Kashmir  Temples of Kashmir,   Stein's translation of Rajatarangini,

Indian geologists: Kurz 1886, Burnes 1828, Griesbach 1845-1907, Oldham 1858-1936, laTouche  1856-1938, Middlemiss 1859-1945.